

nice to have you here.

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Sponsor a tree or support a comprehensive self-help project in Nigeria.

The projects in Nigeria

Trees for Peace

By planting 1 million trees we have been able to recreate forests in areas that had been completely cleared. An important project for the environment and for all people who work and live there. Plant a tree!

Create forests

Malaria Children Intervention

Our free advice on malaria prevention and treatment is having an effect. Child mortality has been significantly reduced. A success story that motivates us to keep going.

Prevent malaria

Women Light Home

Our women’s shelter for mistreated and expelled women and young mothers in need. Kidnapped girls who have been freed from the hands of Boko Haram were also able to find a sanctuary here.

Perspective for women


A meeting place for all religions and belief systems. Tolerance and openness prevail here.

Exemplify freedom of belief

Peace Academy

A school that gives orphans and disadvantaged children a future. Tolerance, love, acceptance and respect for nature are encouraged through education.

Giving children a future

Water Project

In Nigeria too, the climate is constantly changing with unpredictable dry periods. One of our primary concerns is to build wells so that women and children do not have to walk for kilometres along perilous roads to fetch water.

Pumping water
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