Who is ABSWP?

Who is ABSWP

Association Bernadette Strebel World Peace ?


Association Bernadette Strebel World Peace (ABSWP) was officially founded on 21 March 2006, after Bernadette had already dedicated herself to a variety of aid projects on a purely private basis for many years.


ABSWP is a compact organisation which uses its resources directly and in a targeted manner. All team members work on a voluntary basis. Following several years of involvement in Nigeria, we are familiar with the problems in this country – our objective is to regain and maintain self-reliance and independence for the people.

Self help

We provide financial and conceptual support for our self-help projects until their self-sufficiency is guaranteed. A prerequisite for our involvement is that the local community benefits from the projects; for instance, through improved hygiene, infrastructure, safety, education or income. In all our activities, we are committed to high moral and ethical standards.


ABSWP is also actively engaged in problem areas of society where different opinions, religious or ethnic groups lead to disadvantages or tension. As a mediator, it provides platforms to promote tolerance, better communication and equal rights.


We can only achieve our objectives with your support, and help people to achieve an empowered and safe existence. Many thanks in advance.

“Love is the highest power and force, able to change everything. If we acknowledge the love within ourselves, we will find our inner peace, the basis for peace on earth.”


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